Who really cares?
A survey on the aftercare of elderly patients discharged from Acute Hospital By: Valerie Wiliamson - Brighton CHC - December 1985 _____________________________________________________________________ This publication is 85 pages and is, therefore, too large to download in one attempt, so it is broken down into manageable sections. Even so, please note that it is still quite slow to download.
The Transfer from Hospital to Community
A survey of the difficulties encountered in the discharge and after care of elderly patients admitted to Acute Hospitals ... with some examples of good practice. By: Valkere Williamson - Brighton CHC - 1987 _____________________________________________________________________ This publication is 80 pages and is, therefore, too large to download in one attempt, so it is broken down into manageable sections. Even so, please note that it is still quite slow to download.
1974 - 2003 This site is being maintained on a voluntary basis by Polly Healy ..._________________________________________________________ Please make contact if you have any contributions or suggestions for this site. Click here ... |